European project Du Motion continues despite coronavirus
European project Du Motion continues despite coronavirus

European project "Du Motion - Erasmus+ Sport" aiming to educate volunteers in the organization of national and international sports competitions, gathered its representatives from seven countries yesterday and held the second work meeting thus announcing the continuation of planned activities. Originally scheduled for June, the meeting was held online instead in Sweden due to the current situation with the coronavirus pandemic and difficulties regarding international travel.
The meeting was attended by all partners involved in the project. In addition to Dubrovnik's Du Motion as a representative of Croatia, these are organizations from Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Turkey.
The project, co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ Sport program in the amount of almost 300 000 €, is currently developing a module that will be used for the education of volunteers. The participants have to elaborate all the tasks required during the organization of the sports event. Everything will be supervised by the Bulgarian (BDSA) and Turkish (KARGENC) partners responsible for this phase of the project.
The next planned meeting is scheduled for November, when the program and training method for volunteers will be defined based on the prepared modules.